Abdom inal viscera
Blood vessels of the liver
► ►
Small intestine
Large intestine
V. cava inferior
Vv hepaticae dextrae
Vv. hepaticae intermediae
A. hepatica propria
Vesica biliaris
V. portae hepalis
Vv hepaticae sinistrae
Fig. 1021
Liver, Hepar, and hepatic veins, Vv. hepaticae;
ventral view.
Ductus hepaticus sinister
V cava inferior
A. hepatica propria,
R dexter
portae hepatis, R. dexter
Ductus hepaticus dexter
V. portae hepatis, R sinister
Ductus choledochus
A hepatica propria, R. sinister
A. hepatica propria
V. portae hepatis
Fig. 1022
Liver, Hepar, and the hepatic portal vein, V. portae hepatis;
ventral view.